Muna Said




Languages: Python, NodeJs, Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, R, SQL (Postgres, MongoDB) Frameworks: React, Node.js, Flask, JUnit, WordPress, Material-UI, FastAPI, Spring Boot. Developer Tools: Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Travis CI, Google Cloud Platform, Azure, VS Code, PyCharm, IntelliJ.


Software Engineering Intern, MijiniTech

April 2024 – June 2024

  • Enhanced secure financial transactions by integrating payment gateways and developing backend APIs with Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL, leading to a 30% increase in transaction efficiency through effective collaboration with cross-functional teams.

  • Developed RESTful APIs to ensure seamless front-end and back-end communication, improving data retrieval speed by 15%, boosting user satisfaction by 20%, and shortening project timelines by 3 weeks.

  • Wrote clear technical documentation that reduced inquiries on tool usage by 20%, improving user experience and support efficiency.

Open Source contributor, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

  • Enhanced geospatial data accuracy by contributing to an open-source fieldwork data collection project using OpenStreetMap, benefiting over 1,000 users with more reliable mapping information.

  • Improved system stability and user satisfaction by 15% by resolving critical bugs and implementing feature enhancements using Python, Gulp, JOSM, and Docker.

  • Enhanced overall code quality and functionality by participating in over 100 code reviews and discussions, reducing post-release defects by 20%.

Software Engineer, TAWI

June 2023 – March 2024

  • Developed a solution for over 150 users with Auditory Processing Disorder, empowering them to communicate better through real-time speech recognition technology, which improved their ability to understand and respond to spoken language.

  • Leveraged real-time speech recognition technologies (Azure Cognitive Service API, Whisper AI, and Metric GAN model) to reduce response time by 30% using WebSockets, enabling seamless real-time communication for users.


Create sites with AI